domingo, setembro 15, 2024

CYCLIST'S SOUL.. close your eyes...dream about tomorrow!

CYCLIST'S SOUL.. close your eyes...dream about tomorrow! One of these days, a few years ago, I bought a bicycle out of a personal dream, and as Albert Einstein read: “living is like riding a bicycle. You have to be in constant movement to keep your balance.” I really felt that to live I needed to maintain some balance. One day when I get very old and can no longer walk, she will be on my porch as a trophy of my memories. During these times I met people who taught me something and have the same spirit as me, and I met others who I'm glad I forgot. I made real friends, colleagues and acquaintances. I've gotten wet, I've felt cold, I've felt hot, I've felt some fear, I've fallen, I've already gotten up, I've already gotten hurt, but I've also smiled a lot inside my helmet. “If my eyes showed my soul, everyone, when they saw me smile, would cry with me.” (Kurt Cobain) Also, in reality, I have already spoken to myself a thousand times, sang and screamed with joy like a crazy person, and yes, sometimes I even cried, I've seen and passed through wonderful places and lived unforgettable experiences, I stopped a thousand times to see a view, a landscape. I’ve climbed endless hills and wondered “if I was crazy”! perhaps as Eça de Querós said: “nothing absolves the madness of the heart, almost nothing explains it.” Many times I took turns that even Valentino Rossi would be proud of, other times I took turns in terror, but I only thought about the end. Every time I thought it was dangerous, knowing that the meaning of courage is to move forward despite feeling afraid. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.” (Mark Twain) But it's worth trying and feeling the breeze on your face and the taste of freedom. I left feeling “infarcted” within myself and returned home with peace in my heart. Every time I get on my bike, I think about how wonderful it is. I spent money I couldn't afford, giving up many things, but all these things aren't worth a moment when I'm on my bike. “Being happy is feeling the taste of water, the breeze on your face, the smell of wet earth. It's extracting big emotions from small things. It's finding reasons to smile every day, even if there aren't any great facts. It’s laughing at your own foolishness.”(Augusto Cury) My bike is not a means of transport or a piece of iron with wheels, but rather the lost part of my soul and my spirit. And for those who tell me: "You have to sell, you have to be a more serious person." I don't answer. I simply shake my head. And I smile. Cycling, cycling, cycling….more cycling! Only those who love understand... “Go ahead without stopping, because stopping is giving up, because life is too short and the road is long.” (Gabriel – the thinker)

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