"The only man who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything.” (Theodore Roosevelt)
I am not far from reality in the statement that, in general, the Portuguese “consider themselves very good at pointing out the mistakes of others.” But studying and understanding what is going on to correct these errors, this is already the case with others. All of us, deep down, have the notion that we are going through very difficult times, and what matters most was to know as accurately as possible, and not in fantasies, the reality of what surrounds us, and not, although it is natural, to hear the stories, rumors and the very “smart guys” who are sure about everything and know a little about everything to do. We know that it is very difficult to study the realities. But it is necessary to treat everyone without looking at whom. It is necessary to save lives without knowing the name. But it’s also good to know what’s going on to be able to act and prevent. ” The first law of nature is tolerance - since we have a lot of mistakes and weaknesses. ”(Voltaire)
It is increasingly clear that there will be no return to “normal”, as many people still dream. The pandemic has changed, and will change even more, our living conditions, although we still don't know if Covid-19 is just an event or the beginning of a process involving different types of transmissible viruses. That’s why we should all have the perception that the simplest way to criticize, and that is usual in social networks, but not only, because unbelievably the press, whether written or spoken, uses this model, (they do not comply, in general, the role of the journalist who would have to be informative about this virus, in face of the avalanche of data, facts and events published on the internet, which generates a lot of disorientation and is the favorable environment for the spread of false news, the controversial fake news), practice, in the general, also “target shooting”. “The world of before never returns. Now try to go back a little bit to the 1970s. But on the other hand, you never start from scratch. History is never a blank page. Whoever believes that everything will remain the same is wrong. Whoever believes that everything is going to change is also mistaken. ”(André Comte-Sponville- French philosopher)
The truth is that this pandemic is like a shooting range, any novice in the sport always gets it right. Shot in both directions. Some try to reach the government, with what they affirm “to be delays in the measures that they took,” due to the obvious difficulties of the technicians who map the contact chains, due to the insufficiency of the confined decree, but they never present what the alternatives were. Others return the blame, drawing attention to the irresponsibility of some, who put everyone at risk. These are shots with successive ricochets. The degree of uncertainty has been decreasing, but there are still some who are against more muscular measures. If science is anything but certain, science as a predictive model is even more uncertain. But what is certain, more than certain, is that target shooting does not really solve anything. And in the ICUs (intensive care units) you don't hear the gunshots, just the respirators filling and emptying! ” The most important thing in life is not the situation we are in, but the direction in which we are moving. ” (Oliver Wendell Holmes)