terça-feira, julho 23, 2024

“There is no point in looking back anymore. It’s about moving forward…….(Martha Medeiros)

“There is no point in looking back anymore. It’s about moving forward…….(Martha Medeiros) In your eyes I see my world, life as it is! I want to leave pieces of my life here, pieces of me that float through time. What was, what is and what the dream will be. These are moments that I lived and others that I “stole” from people I met and crossed paths with. Too small to matter, but big enough to cut me into so many little pieces. "One of the basic rules of this world is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply does not exist.” (Stephen Hawking) Life goes by too quickly, so we have to enjoy every moment and live intensely. As Heraclitus said, “you cannot step into the same river twice.” For Heraclitus, the only constant in this life is change. Everything changes. You cannot step into the same river twice because the water in the river is always changing. The second time, it is another water that is passing through the same place. Change is inevitable. "The older we get, the more we feel that the present needs to be enjoyed. Nothing in life should be feared, only understood. Now is the time to understand more, to fear less.” (Marie Curie) I leave you here with the feeling of my laughter, but also of my tears, as well as the shocks of my soul and the fears installed in my heart. Above all, I now want to deposit here a good part of this long, as some consider it to be, journey, perhaps out of fear that one of these days I will no longer remember it, or perhaps because I believe that many people know me and that they really believe they know me. I thank you very much…but I'm not that person anymore! Here I leave you my truth, I am just that and nothing more. As David Hume said, "the beauty of things exists in the mind of him who beholds them." Sometimes, some things seem so small that you almost don't see their results, but they are fundamental to form the greatness of life. Big changes start with small attitudes. "Sometimes we feel that what we do is nothing more than a drop of water in the sea. But the sea would be smaller if one drop were missing." (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

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