sexta-feira, agosto 30, 2024

“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” (Victor Hugo)

“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” (Victor Hugo) If it were possible, I would certainly travel to my dreams. However, we must admit that there is some uneasiness in the relationship with our memory, contrary to what it may seem, it is not about the past, but an intimation of the future, it is that without a future there is no peace for a human being. As the writer José Saramago said: “Without the future, the present is useless, it is as if it did not exist. It may be that humanity will be able to live without eyes, but it will no longer be humanity.” Sometimes all we need to start the day is a kind word or an inspiring thought. A morning message can help us put our mind in place or find the courage to face our daily challenges and that each challenge is overcome with determination and courage in this new day and that gratitude invades our hearts. And as Marcus Aurelius said: “Never let the future disturb you. You will find him, if you must, with the same weapons of reason that arm him against the present.” In reality, everything can change in a matter of seconds. Everything can transform in a matter of minutes. The world changes all the time. And we have changed too!! As Chico Buarque de Holanda, Brazilian musician and composer, said: “People are afraid of change. I'm afraid things will never change.” Life is made up of many mistakes and some successes, but we must be aware that suffering is useless, suffering is a weakness. Do what you believe has to be done, even if it goes against others, even if they say it's wrong or impossible... follow your heart and believe that it's possible, but what really matters is not giving up on living . “The big mistakes you make in life are recurring mistakes. It's really this repetition that defines us. Absolute weakness is the kind of illusion allowed by the simulation of control of not acting.” (Ana Hatherly)

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