domingo, agosto 25, 2024

“Life is a continuous succession of opportunities.” (Gabriel García Márquez)

“Life is a continuous succession of opportunities.” (Gabriel García Márquez) Our entire journey in this life begins with small steps, and it seems more difficult to take the first one... and when we hesitate to take the second, nothing good happens, it's just that sometimes we don't keep in mind, that no matter how long it is a walk, the most important thing is to take the first step, if you don't take the next step, nothing will be done! “Everything has its time. If you feel like you need to change something in your life, being aware of this is a first step, and perhaps this is enough for today. Maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the beginning of next week will be the time for the second step necessary to make this change?” (anonymous) This is why we have and must move forward. We should not despair, we should not become excessively anxious and sad and dramatize a lot when we have a problem, because of two things: the problem either has a solution and we need to move towards the solution to resolve it and it is resolved, or it has no solution and it is a problem that exists and we have to live with it. We must never forget this and we must always put it into practice in our daily lives. And above all, have the conviction of not wanting to change the world and somehow leaving everyone responsible for their actions and that we are not at all responsible for the good and at least good with what happens in our lives. As Martha Medeiros said: “It’s my responsibility not to be sad, not to let anyone hurt me, not to let anything bad happen to me.” In reality, our whole life is made up of steps. Steps of approaching or moving away, steps of encounter or search, but there are always steps! The steps we take and those that remain to be taken, the steps of those who leave us or come to pick us up. The steps of those who want to let us pass and the steps we have to take to continue on our journey. Sometimes we just need a first step... but we have to be able to take it so that we don't feel like it was wasted waiting for time that we no longer have. And as Carlos Drummond de Andrade said: "You don't need to bring gifts, no rhymes, no flowers or anything. Just bring what you feel."

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