segunda-feira, outubro 12, 2020

“If we can dream, we can also make our dreams come true.” (Tom Fitzgerald)

 “If we can dream, we can also make our dreams come true.” (Tom Fitzgerald)

 We live in times when an animal, so small that it cannot even be dazzled by the most powerful of human optics, alone challenges each and every one of our lives, at the same time that millions of euros are proclaimed in an unpayable cadence "Predictable and desired cure". There is only one problem that remains in this utopia: successes are dreams that are only shown in sleep, that is while we sleep, a time when nothing can be done! In reality, no one knows their destiny and no one can guarantee us what the future will be, and therefore we have an effort to know our past and vibrate with our present. In Epicurus' words: "Happy people remember the past with gratitude, rejoice in the present and face the future without fear."

All of us at certain times in our lives have the illusion that well-being was something that came from the outside in. We believed that first we needed to shape the exterior, to our beautiful pleasure, and then, yes, then, live the ultimate and eternal happiness! Quickly, life took charge of showing us that it was not so. There are millions of factors that we do not control, nor do we have to control. All we have left is to change what depends on ourselves: our attitude, our outlook and our choices. It is not for us to decide what is best for others, not least because we do not even have the capacity to do so. “It's really good to go to the fight with determination, embrace life with passion, lose with class and win boldly, because the world belongs to those who dare and life is too short, to be insignificant”. (Charlie Chaplin)

In our way of life there is a “societal” pressure to “be someone” that so often does not match who we really are. We suffer, fight and make unnecessary sacrifices, until we realize that it is not there. At that moment, if we know how to accept, take the time it takes, it will certainly hurt less, because "accepting" is often placed in the same bag as "conformism" and "apathy". All of this leads us to have the “impression” that we live in the era of “hitting a fist”, entrepreneurship and productivity, in which “giving up is for the weak”, and we feel that sometimes they want us to be overly ambitious, there, bordering on greed, they tell us that we have to be leaders and be able to inspire others. But we all know or we have to be aware, sooner or later that this is not always better. “We have all had difficult experiences. This is part of our journey through Earth. There are things that leave marks very difficult to overcome. There is only one way to get rid of bitter experiences: to live in the present. Always enjoy now. As the famous phrase immortalized by hippies says: "Today is the first day of the rest of my life". (Paulo Coelho)

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