sábado, agosto 10, 2024

Dedicated to “social media bullies!”

Dedicated to “social media bullies!” In addition to everything that saddens us and sometimes keeps us up at night, what is most incomprehensible and unbearable is the cowardly silence of the human society that surrounds us. There is at least one advantage to being older, and that is having already been to places where younger people will take a while to arrive! If they get there? As José Saramago said, “you can never know in advance what people are capable of, you have to wait, give time, time is the boss, time is the partner who is playing on the other side of the table and has In our hand we have all the cards in the deck, it is up to us to invent the inserts with our lives..” In reality, I have always felt and continue to be amazed at the things that some human beings are capable of doing to each other. We all know or should know, that words, whether written or spoken, have a huge impact regardless of their intention, and that by exercising the criticism of “hands in pockets” and at the same time “whistling to the side” is the greatest hypocrisy one can have. “You know me well, and you know that I am not capable of remaining silent. Sometimes, remaining silent is the same as lying, as silence can be interpreted as acceptance” (The lesson of Dom Miguel de Unamuno, rector of the University of Salamanca – 1936) In these times, we need to have enormous capacity and confidence to reach out clearly to others, in times of “inflammatory social networks”, misinformation and fake news, with people increasingly closed in their “own bubbles”, for at least A fundamental issue for living in society in general is the admission that it has changed, but we have not!. The human race is like that. Society in general changes much faster than we do. It is good that we have the capacity for some adaptation, our collective future largely depends on it.” When we least expect it, life presents us with a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; At a time like this, there's no point in pretending that nothing happened or saying that we're not ready yet. The challenge won't wait. Life doesn’t look back.” (Paulo Coelho) All of this means that we only need to be minimally attentive to understand the countless conflicts that are occurring throughout this world in these times. (It's always been like this!!!) . But now there are two that touch us particularly and in a different way. Not only because of their proximity, as they are much closer, but essentially because of the brutality of the images that enter our homes and our lives every day. “You may not be responsible for the situation you find yourself in, but you will become responsible if you do nothing to change it.” (Martin Luther King)

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