quinta-feira, julho 18, 2024

“We always arrive at the place where we are expected.”(José Saramago)

“We always arrive at the place where we are expected.”(José Saramago) We all have those moments when we need to stop and think about our lives. In the saying of popular wisdom, “silence is golden and is often an answer.” However, we must emphasize that in these times we must take into account the transformative function of affections and hope in times of darkness and uncertainty. several. In reality, everything has its time. But we have to admit that people feel much more alone, life is more stressful and, despite social networks, there is an illusion of communication, but there is a lack of human contact. According to writer Edgar Allan Poe, “the real life of a human being consists of being happy, mainly because we are always hoping to be so very soon.” If we feel, in general, that we need to change something in our life, being aware of this is a first step, and perhaps this is enough for today. Who knows, maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the beginning of next week will be the time for the second step needed to make this change. No matter how long the journey, the most important thing is to take the first step. having stumbled when taking the first step, we got up and moved on. And if the most important thing is to take the first step, the others will follow for a new beginning, and what seemed impossible becomes possible... and if, “every great journey begins with a simple step.” As Buddha said, we have to be fully aware that we have to take the other steps…..! Life is made of movements. ... good things happen to those who get up and go after what they want. “Even if we have already made a long journey, there will always be one more way to go.” (Saint Augustine) We can believe that all life will offer us in the future is to repeat what we did yesterday and today. But, if we pay attention, we will realize that no day is like another, we need to live every minute because that is where we find the way out of our confusion, the joy of our good moments, the correct clue for the decision we will make. . “We can never let each day seem the same as the last because every day is different, because we are in a constant process of change.” (Paulo Coelho)

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