terça-feira, julho 09, 2024

“Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.” (Charles Chaplin)

“Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.” (Charles Chaplin) Someone said that “what we had to do was decide with the time given to us”, in fact life is made of choices, as the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda said. “We are free to make our choices, but prisoners of consequences.” Life is too short not to make the most of the time we still have. Living life is finding joy in the little things of everyday life and valuing each moment as unique, and that's why we shouldn't waste time worrying about things we can't change, it's facing challenges with courage and perseverance, never giving up on our goals. dreams, as David Hume said: “The beauty of things exists in the mind of him who beholds them.” In the words of Augusto Cury, “Being happy is not being afraid of your own feelings. It's knowing how to talk about yourself. It is having the courage to hear not". It’s about having the confidence to receive criticism, even if it’s unfair.” There are those who deal poorly with uncertainty. There are those who will do anything to control the direction of their life. There are those who think they are capable of controlling all the events in life. It's all just a big illusion! Because there are no certainties and there are no guarantees for anyone. “We do not do what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are.” (Jean-Paul Sartre) In real life, in general, all or almost all of us say, at some point, that “we don’t have time for ourselves”, not even to live in the present. In fact, we have to realize that most of our time, we are always stuck in the past or living in tomorrow. There is much greater clarity in what you don’t want than in what you want, as the writer Paulo Coelho said: “The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and take the risk of living their dreams.” Inside or outside of me, every day something happens that surprises us, something that even moves us, from the possibility of the impossible to all dreams and illusions. That’s the subject of my “writings”, that’s why I write and that’s why I feel so good writing what I feel. As Albert Einstein said: “Time is an illusion. The only reason time exists is so that everything doesn't happen at once. The past, present and future exist at the same time.”

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