sexta-feira, junho 28, 2024

“Your life and your world change when you change.” (Dalai Lama)

“Your life and your world change when you change.” (Dalai Lama) Dream, never give up on your dreams. Never give up on what you really want to do. If thinking is the destiny of human beings, continuing to dream is our greatest challenge. But in reality we have to admit that there are many days, but each day is different. In these times we live in, in the midst of tensions and conflicts, it becomes very difficult to project our horizons and it becomes increasingly urgent to find other ways to dream about tomorrow. As Aristotle said, “it’s not the big plans that work. It’s the little details.” I have always been of the opinion that to get to know someone, and ourselves, we have to go back to their and our origins, to have direct contact with their aspirations, motivations and ambitions. All personality traits are created in our roots, in our experiences, in the way we relate to each other. As Freud said: “We are not just what we think we are. We are more; we are also what we remember and what we forget; We are the words we exchange, the mistakes we make, the impulses we give in to, without meaning to.” We have to overcome prejudices with creativity, our insecurities with motivation, our fears with boldness. But above all, we must always be aware that destiny is a matter of choice, not a fate, so we must choose to continue dreaming. “People change, life changes, friends change, but we just have to move on. Never give up your dreams. Always go after your dreams. It's never too late!” (Demi Lovato)

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