segunda-feira, janeiro 23, 2023

"We should learn all our lives, without imagining that wisdom comes with old age.” (Platao)

We should learn all our lives, without imagining that wisdom comes with old age.” (Platao) As a friend of mine used to say “the old age that we all run away from, but where everyone wants to arrive, since age does not depend on years, but on temperament and health; some people are born old, others never grow old”, as Sun Tzu said in words attributed to him, “opportunities multiply as they are seized ... he who strives to solve difficulties solves them before they arise.” However, in the “world we live in”, despite everything it is not difficult to distinguish between propaganda and reality. Just compare what has been said over time, the contradictions, the inconsistencies. Of course it is necessary to have memory, without memory there is no association of ideas nor, therefore, consistent reasoning. In fact, without memory, we are little more than nothing. It is convenient here to remember using a phrase from the Dalai Lama: "Human beings are social creatures, and feeling valued by others is the very basis of community life." Every day, because despite everything we are one of the biggest users of “new technology”, namely the so-called social networks, in whose universe controversies are born, untruths are spread, not to mention “lies”, we have to know how to “face” the new forms of propaganda in which they mix multiple narratives, true narratives and false narratives, in which, most of the time, they go back and repeatedly mix, and on purpose very different historical times, deep down it is a “political theater” full of manipulations and misinformation that “circulates on the internet.” Who has never questioned whether they were making the right choices and whether the things they were betting on are really the best options? “Try once, twice, three times and if possible, try a fourth, fifth and as many times as necessary. Just don't give up on the first ones, persistence is the friend of conquest. If you want to get where most don't, do what most don't. " (Bill Gates)

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