quarta-feira, janeiro 13, 2021

We always arrive at the place where they are waiting for us." (José Saramago)

Tomorrow we will return to a past of “confined” with the promise that only then will we have a future. But we cannot fail to remind you that, perhaps, these measures were not necessarily so rigid if we all followed the health rules. Or is it not so? There is a Swedish proverb that says: “Fear attributes great shadows to small things”, in these winter times of our existence, at this time of life, when for some, or for all, it is said “of a certain age”, everyone, we can try to hide, we are afraid, because there is no easier feeling to detect than fear. Words are not necessary, fear is read on the body, and it is read clearly on the body of those, “of a certain age”, the reality is that nobody should know what it is to be afraid of ending up being a victim of negligent behavior of others or of himself. Having and feeling fear and anxiety are useful to fulfill isolation and will be blockers when it comes to going out again. The idea that in a while everything will be the same as it was, is completely false, we must have the notion that the reopening of life is a new experience. Here in my corner, where I am now and suddenly an idea came to me: “What if I could write a sentence that everyone understood? The reality is that this phrase would not be mine, but from someone who once said to me “my statistic is living.” To explain the size of important things to us and sometimes we also need to think about others, because we live in society, and we have a duty to respect and safeguard the health of those around us. It is necessary to respect all those who, in order to live, have to work, so it is our duty to stay at home and take all precautions in compliance with health rules, and not out of negligence, bravado, inattention or false sense of security, do not measure the consequences of violating the rules. I remember having read this sentence, anywhere: "Don't want to be the person who will contribute so that a doctor has to decide who will stay with the last ventilator". We have to be aware of this, our statistic has to be living, and we like this statistic so much that we will comply with all health rules. As a friend of mine wrote: ”With the days going by, with the hair whitening, with the wrinkles giving" the air of your grace ", in a path that teaches me ... there is time, space and a learning experience that calls attention to take care of me, look at me and do for me, without forgetting others. ” In "Viagem do Elefante", a last book by José Saramago, it is written: "We always arrive at the place where we are expected". Is this the truth? Is there a certain place, at a certain moment, where someone is waiting for us, regardless of the turns we can take to get there and how long it will take us to do it? Like everything in life there are the most and the least "credulous", life is probably and often sending us messages that, in the end, we end up hearing and recognizing as ours. “I don't think anything happens by chance, you know? That in the end things have their secret plan, although we don't understand. ”(Carlos Ruiz Zafón) There are also those who say that we have two certainties in this life, when we are born and die. In this interval we have to live in the moment, because life is made of those moments. And from moment to moment, we will arrive at the place where they are waiting for us. But we always have to “give a little help”. So, let us think about it, if it were not so, then would life be made only of chance and coincidence without real meaning? As Richard Bach wrote: “Nothing happens by chance. There is no luck. There is a meaning behind every small act. It may not be seen clearly immediately, but it will be before much time has passed. ”

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