quarta-feira, outubro 14, 2020

“Freedom begins where ignorance ends.” (Victor Hugo)

 “Freedom begins where ignorance ends.” (Victor Hugo)

As Alexis de Tocqueville said: "Nothing is as wonderful as the art of being free, but nothing is more difficult to learn to use than freedom." It is, perhaps because of this, that there are always those who confuse “democracy” with “debauchery”.

First of all, it is necessary to bear in mind that in order to live well in the community, we must, necessarily, govern ourselves according to certain rules. Thus, it is as important to respect the freedom of others as our own freedom, in short it is important that each individual respects the freedom of others so that theirs are equally respected. In addition, each one has to impose limits on their own actions so that it is possible to live in community. As is commonly said through the famous phrase "The freedom of each ends where the freedom of the other begins", which is attributed by many people to the English philosopher Herbert Spencer, indicates that true freedom respects others, and their rights.

We have to conclude that if in our rule of law, there are many so-called "citizens" who understand that they have only gained rights and have failed to know what their duties and responsibilities were. We feel that respect for old values ​​has been lost, which have been replaced by others that in no way endorse human beings. We gained in ambition what we lost in respect for the other, and “freedom with debauchery” is confused. This act that was performed by one or more energumes in a pure act of debauchery, and as someone said, it becomes "horrible to have to breathe the same air that these energies are soiling". As Winston Churchill said, “Nobody wants democracy to be perfect or flawless. Democracy has been said to be the worst form of government, except for all other forms that have been tried from time to time. ”

But those who act with this debauchery, reveal that they do not care about the consequences that their behavior can have, and it is the result of a wrong use of freedom, because it demonstrates irresponsibility. For this “mob”, “democracy is the art of managing the circus from the monkey cage.” (H. L. Mencken)

 In this regard I will also turn to the Bible, more specifically in 1 Corinthians 6:12, the apostle Paul says: "Everything is permitted to me, but not everything is suitable. Everything is permitted to me, but I will not be dominated by anything." This passage reveals that we have the capacity to do many things, but that not everything we can do should be done, because our actions have consequences. "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then say it with a picture", was a phrase by the great comedian Millôr Fernandes and which I leave here portrayed. Dumping debris directly derived from the works, such as bricks, pieces of cement and wood etc. into a private land, is an environmental crime that continues to make up for it and most prevaricators escape the law, although there are even drones to detect these criminals today .I just have to know who was or were, because as soon as possible I will take charge of sending all this garbage to your door!

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