segunda-feira, setembro 21, 2020



Nowadays, “the so-called social fanaticism” appeared with the creation on social networks, which is nothing more than the combination of the different “classes of fanaticism” - religious, political and football ”. The fanatic has no thoughts or ideas of his own, it absorbs from others who in turn have absorbed them from others, and so on. For fanatics, he is not interested in the real facts or their origin and makes the ideas and thoughts of others as his own. Fanaticism generates hatred and does not limit it before it expands it, and it never cares or accepts the explanation of the real facts or the search for the truth since it has “assembled” its own narrative and there is no other “truth” other than his and , which he considers more convenient for his interests, does not change his mind, nor does he change the subject. "Fanaticism is the only form of will that can be instilled in the weak and the timid." (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The basis of fanaticism are the "so-called conspiracy theories" that always start from real facts, to distort, distort or "falsify" them according to what they believe to be "their thinking" and interests that foment anger and hatred in the society, based on the now wider use of social networks, where there is more and more time online, dependent on “likes” and ready to consume information that is neither verified nor confirmed, with terrible effects on society.

We can even accept that, in fact, new technologies have opened and expanded our minds, led to believe that the internet and social networks could serve to unite people and resolve disagreements, but today we feel trapped by the problems caused by the use intensive social networks, namely: addiction, deconcentration, isolation, falsification, misrepresentation, polarization and misinformation.

Some characteristics of the human being, which is based, in general, on some ideas of intolerance, which in confronting the opinions of others who dislike him, lead them to a greater conviction of their “reality” and which, in the end, generate fear, can only be modeled with the time. The amount of information circulating on the network is such that each group can find the facts and data they need to set up their own narrative. Today we have seen that people are less willing to listen and learn, less willing to give in, less willing to cooperate. This is "fanaticism" makes people much worse. That is why the best fight we can do against fanaticism is through knowledge. But, we must not forget that we are facing a question of Humanity and Life, where, ignorance of things and ignorance and opportunism in the same cry for knowledge and solutions that nobody has. As Jean-Jacques Rosseau said: “Generally those who know little speak a lot and those who know a lot speak little.”

We have a false notion that the use of social networks is free, but someone is paying for it: advertisers. They are, therefore, the real customers of these companies. And we think we are using a tool, but we are actually being sold. This is an old maxim of the market: "If you are not paying for the product, it is because you are the product." That social networks want to buy their users' data is something we should all be more or less aware of. But what some experts tell us goes a little further: this product is "the gradual change in our behavior and perception"; what social networks want is to "change what we do, what we think, what we are", gradually and imperceptibly, in an omission that citizenship solidarity, combined with shared knowledge, is the great civilizational trait in combating exclusions and building fairer societies. “One generation goes, and another generation comes; but the land remains forever. The sun rises, the sun sets, and hurries and returns to the place where it was born. ”(Ecclesiastes 1: 4,5) Biblical version Frederico Lourenço)

While it is true that not everyone has the same desires, and that life does not always make sense, personally, I think I am very attentive, I think I follow a kind of recreational game, as happened in primary schools, of my time: the "blind goat" . I try to continue, looking for the light that, I am aware that does not exist for anyone yet. I am concerned with those who walk and help without seeing credible solutions, I also know that the “boast” belongs to the manipulation of the media. We and ours are not even a cog. We are a zero on the left in the universe of such billions that have no soul, emotions or even a hint of humanity. “Never give up on being happy, always fight for your dreams. Be deeply passionate about life, because life is an unmissable show, even though there are dozens of factors showing the opposite ”. (Augusto Cury)

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