terça-feira, junho 25, 2024

“Inside every beginning lives a charm that gives us strength and helps us to live. “(Hermann Hesse)

“Inside every beginning lives a charm that gives us strength and helps us to live. “(Hermann Hesse) Someone will say this: “Sometimes, there is a cycle that insists on not closing that closes you off from life. Free yourself from the constraints of the past and open yourself to new possibilities. Extraordinary opportunities await you. Close the cycles and allow yourself to live fully." Don't insist on remaining in what has already ended, the cycles close so that new and better ones emerge in your life. In life, everything has its time to begin, last, end. “I would like you to know that there is a force within you capable of changing your life, you just have to fight and wait for a new dawn.” (Margaret Thatcher) With each new cycle of life, in our eyes they present themselves as a new perspective of reality, with each new cycle, we transform into what our mind idealizes, remembering that beauty is in the soul, in evolution, the rest remains... On the path to your dreams, don't get caught up in the details, just walk, because the beginning of your dreams begins with a single step towards those same dreams. “You can make all your dreams come true, if you are brave enough to believe in them. “(Eleanor Roosevelt) Have you ever thought that the end of a cycle could be the beginning of a new path! So stop questioning the changes that appear in your life, when the human heart understands this, it becomes free and moves forward. As Fernando Pessoa said: “That’s why it’s so important to let go of certain things! Let go. Let go. Take that step. People need to understand that no one is playing with marked cards. Don't expect them to give something back, don't expect them to recognize your effort, to discover your genius, to understand your love. Close cycles. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but because it simply no longer fits into your life. Close the door, change the disc, clean the house, shake off the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are.” As Seneca said: “Hurry up to live well and think that each day is, in itself, a life" (Human beings go through 4 stages in life, which are: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. They occur within the life cycle that has two major events: birth and death. Erikson (Erik Homburger Erikson (Frankfurt, June 15, 1902 — Harwich, May 12, 1994) was a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on the psychological development of human beings, identifies a complete life cycle of 8 stages or stages, or the eight ages of a human being, which he or she goes through from birth to death (baby, child, teenager, young person, adult, elderly or maturity).

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