sexta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2024

“Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.” (Charles Chaplin)

“Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it.” (Charles Chaplin) “We know everything, but we can’t do anything.” As Marina Garcés, a Catalan philosopher, said, “The decisive fact of our time is that, together, we know a lot and, at the same time, we can do very little. We are, at the same time, enlightened and illiterate. Why know so much if we can't change anything afterwards? Information only causes us pain. There are phenomena, such as eco-anxiety among young people or states of fear and depression among many people, who feel that knowledge only generates, in a certain way, more impotence.” In reality we live in times where fears are terrible things. Since nobody likes them, they disguise themselves as good things. Fears camouflage themselves as desires. They do so with a subtlety that baffles even the most intelligent attention. There is no desire to be well interpreted. There is a fear of being misunderstood. And so we no longer say what we had to say. Something else is said, to cover the fear, which serves no purpose other than to cover the fear. This quote is attributed to Elbert Hubbard: “The biggest mistake we can make is to be constantly afraid of making a mistake. But we remember that the failure is the person who made a mistake, but is not capable of converting his error into experience. So to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” This means that it is not by eliminating our fears that we promote their opposites. On the contrary: if we do everything we can to not look stupid, it is almost certain that we will achieve what would otherwise be much easier: we will actually look stupid! In fact, at certain times we all feel that some of our days are not easy at all, nothing is perfect, nothing goes right. We have days when we feel a certain feeling of emptiness, because we lack strength, we lack courage, we lack the will to face challenges. But so what? Are we going to give up or lift our heads and move forward? Even in difficulties, the best thing is to stop complaining and feel grateful for having another day to live, for having one more reason to move forward and the next day always try to be stronger. The important thing on these days is not to cross your arms, not to give up. Everything can be renewed, everything can be changed, everything can be fixed. “People tend to put words where ideas are missing. The closer a person gets to his goals, the more his difficulties grow.” (Johann Goethe) The popular voice says that a heart full of doubts will leave no room for hope. A head full of pessimism will not find the path to success. Let us have self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience. Let us make space for the good things we have within us. There is no greater strength than the strength of believing that in the future, today's tiredness and pain will be worth it and will be transformed into smiles of achievement and gratitude. Obstacles will arise every day, it is up to each of us to let them stop us or use them as springboards for ever greater leaps in our lives. As long as there is a will and we believe in our own abilities, there will never be insurmountable barriers or impossible challenges! “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear. The correct function of a friend is to support us when we make mistakes. Unfortunately, most people are only on our side as long as we stay on the path they think is right.” (Mark Twain)

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