segunda-feira, junho 10, 2024

“We always arrive at the place where we are expected.”(José Saramago)

“We always arrive at the place where we are expected.”(José Saramago) In these frantic and hectic times, where commitments and distractions compete for our attention, discovering the importance of savoring every moment of life is a very common search. In general, as Chico Buarque said, “people are afraid of change. What I'm afraid of is that things will never change.” With which we fully agree, as we have reached a level in our lives where we want to be and we know that, as the popular saying goes, “life is two days and one of them is spent sitting down.” There is a Latin expression that many use, “carpem diem”, with the meaning of “seize the day” without knowing its real meaning, which in fact means “seize the day” but to reflect and in practice a reflection of good things , not wanting to refer to “enjoying a specific day”, but meaning “making the most of the NOW, appreciating the present.” Enjoying life is not just about the number of years lived, but about the quality of the moments we create. “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - this only creates sadness. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally along the path they take.” (Lao Tzu) Everything has its time. If we feel that we need to change something in your life, being aware of this is a first step, and perhaps this is enough for today. Who knows, maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the beginning of next week will be the time for the second step necessary to make this change happen. Good things happen to those who wait... Even better things happen to those who get up and go after what they want! Or in the words of Brazilian writer Martha Medeiros, “Each and every change is an advance, a step forward, a boldness that we grant to ourselves, we who fear the unknown so much.” And because today is Camões day, we end with a quote from him. “Times change, desires change………The whole world is made up of change, always taking on new qualities.” (Luis Vaz de Camões)

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