quinta-feira, junho 20, 2024

Within us there is something that has no name, this thing is who we are.” (José Saramago)

Within us there is something that has no name, this thing is who we are.” (José Saramago) We have all, in general, suffered from “sulking”, that is, we have become “sulky” (any form of “sulking” – that is, upset, disgusted, annoyed), when this is the case, there is only one piece of advice – I will give a ride with my junior!!!, everyone will have their own alternative, do we have to have one? As Paulo Coelho said: “Sorrows don’t last forever, when we walk towards our dreams.” We can't leave until tomorrow what we can do today, because tomorrow may never come... just as we shouldn't constantly complain about the things we didn't do! “There are only two days a year when nothing can be done. One is called YESTERDAY and the other is called TOMORROW, so TODAY is the right day to love, believe, do and especially live.”(Dalai Lama) How many times have we stated in some conversation that “such a situation” we would like it to have happened in our time!!!! What we forget is to demonstrate how it is impossible to have control over circumstances, so what remains is how to live and enjoy them. As someone said, “all we have to decide is what to do with the time we are given!” Where could we go if we had the courage to change? What could we achieve if we accepted this amount of risk? Think of the great scientists, businesspeople, politicians who believed in change and investigated, studied, worked, experimented, fought until they achieved it. “The stars will never align, and life’s traffic lights will never all be green at the same time. The universe does not conspire against you, but it also does not strive to make things easier for you. Conditions are never perfect. “Sooner or later” is a disease that will lead you to never achieve your dreams. Pros and cons lists have almost the same effect. If something is important to you and you want to accomplish it “sooner or later,” do it. You will have time to correct mistakes along the way.” (anonymous) As Seneca said, “there is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going.” For those who don't know where they are going or where they want to get to, any paths and winds are welcome. Seneca said this, and it is true. We need to know where we are going to get there. Effectively, when we don't have a destination, we don't know where we are sailing and, as such, all the winds are against us, because none guides us. “Seek to discover your path in life. No one is responsible for our destiny but ourselves. “(Chico Xavier)

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