segunda-feira, junho 17, 2024

"Everything seems impossible until it is done.” (Nelson Mandela)

"Everything seems impossible until it is done.” (Nelson Mandela) One of my secrets, if we still have secrets, whenever I can, which is almost every night, I wake up in time so it's not yet time to start another day. You can believe, until you try it, that it feels good, or it's even better to practice this posture. “Writing is perhaps the art of cutting words”, a beautiful phrase attributed most of the time to Carlos Drummond de Andrade, but no one knows for sure who said it for the first time. You know those short, simple words that have a huge power? A reflection or thought does not always need to be long to be profound. These short and clever sentences are proof of that. “To others, I give the right to be as they are. I give myself the duty to be better every day.” (Chico Xavier). There are those who say that we have a great important lesson to learn as we grow in height, but we must also grow from within: in life the answers are not just divided into black or white. There are gray areas, that is, there are multiple answers to the same question and there are behaviors and emotions that do not define what we feel in those moments. As René Descartes said: “There are no easy methods for solving difficult problems.” Sometimes it seems very difficult for our wishes to come true. Everyone goes through times that they consider difficult at certain times. It is, perhaps, a way of measuring their determination and dedication and how they are able to deal with these moments and overcome them. “It doesn’t matter how many steps you take back, the important thing is how many steps you take now.” (Chinese Proverb) There is a peculiar magic in realizing that we are no longer the same person from our past, but a person updated with everything we have already experienced. It is not about who we were, but about the evolution of a person we should become. However, we can also consider our dreams as goals to be achieved: thinking about reaching them can make us change our attitude towards facing life. Walt Disney said: “If you can dream it, you can do it……dreams exist to come true.” (All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them)

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