quarta-feira, maio 22, 2024

"Let's not hurry, but let's not waste time either." (José Saramago)

"Let's not hurry, but let's not waste time either." (José Saramago) There are those who say that there is an abyss between what we already think we know and what we need to know, although when we can find many things contained in books, we are always surprised by the reality of things. In fact, we have to admit that as a whole the Things that happen to us are always greater than the sum of the parts that make up these events.” You can never know in advance what people are capable of, you have to wait, give time, time is king, time is the partner who is playing on the other side of the table and has all the cards in his hand. deck, it is up to us to invent the inserts with life...” (José Saramago) In fact, we have to understand that when we create problems we have to find solutions to be able to deal with these problems, and when we find solutions they stop being problems. We believe that even though we are going through difficult times, there are still good things in our lives, even if small... we need to learn to expand our strengths and energies and, from that, not lose hope for a better tomorrow! “I often feel hopeless, but we cannot give up hope. We have to keep a flame burning, even if it is very small, like a candle.” (Ai Weiwei – Chinese artist living in Portugal) Let us be persistent and never forget who we are. Let us recognize our qualities, improve what we consider to be defects and believe in our evolution. Become stronger than all challenges. Let us never stop believing in the power of our determination. She will have to take us further! “The greatest glory of living does not consist in never falling, but in getting back up whenever we do.” (Nelson Mandela.)

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