segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2022

"Better three hours early than a minute late.” (William Shakespeare)

"Better three hours early than a minute late.” (William Shakespeare) Being alone where no one else is, we have to be aware that without loneliness no one lives, but there are many people who simply do not have access to solitude: they do not have space, they do not have time, they do not have transport. Worst of all is when they are not even aware of the need for solitude. “I don't have time for myself”: expression that means a complaint of someone who has been deprived of the solitude they deserve, the solitude they need to live in society. “You can never know in advance what people are capable of, you have to wait , give time to time, time is the boss, time is the partner who is playing on the other side of the table and has all the cards in the deck in hand, it is up to us to invent what we want from our life…. ” (José Saramago) We have to have the perception that thinking is, therefore, difficult whenever it is not a question of repeating what others think or what is already thought, there are moments in society when thinking becomes particularly difficult, or as Albert Einstein said: “The time is an illusion. The only reason time exists is so that everything doesn't happen at once.” We think with our knowledge and our language, but also with our body, from our roots, with our emotions, in the place and time where we are. We also think with our ignorance as long as we are aware of it, with our doubts as long as we don't turn them into cynicism, with our anxieties as long as we don't let ourselves be paralyzed by them. “There is no loneliness sadder than that of a human being without friendships. The lack of friends makes the world seem like a desert.” (Francis Bacon) When you need and want to be with someone, you always have time for that person. And if she doesn't come to us, we'll wait. The verb to wait becomes as imperative as the verb to breathe. And we learn to breathe in waiting, to live in it, getting attached to a dream as if it were true. It's easier to wait than to give up. It is easier to wish than to forget. It's easier to dream than to lose. And for those who live dreaming, it is much easier to live. “There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and especially live". (Dalai Lama)

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