quarta-feira, janeiro 06, 2021

"In life, there is nothing to fear, but to understand."

 "In life, there is nothing to fear, but to understand." (Marie Curie)

In these times now, in general, we are all, to a greater or lesser extent, managing our anxiety, in the hope that it will pass quickly this week, in order to know the number of people infected with “covid19” after the “Christmas and Christmas parties” new year ”, as almost everyone“ felt some revolt ”when checking out the“ brutal crowds ”on weekend mornings. Why do some people not follow the rules? In fact, as Galileo Galilei said: “We can't teach anyone anything, but we can help people find out for themselves.”

There are those who say that “people in a situation of denial”, have a more common emotional reaction to the new or unknown, which is a movement of doubt and distrust of how much the measures were necessary or if they were not an exaggeration, in their opinion. “Individualism omits” that puts everyone else at risk, they don't understand that we all prefer to live in a less adult, but more humane society, and that understand “possible social sacrifices” in favor of the other's life. ” All people are capable of mastering a pain, except those who feel it. Our doubts sometimes betray us and make us lose what we could often gain, simply by fear of taking chances. (William Shakespeare

Even if there were no covid-19, these were days to protect ourselves from the cold wave that plagues the whole country, with temperatures that can reach many negative degrees. We all have to find some hope in these times, but we must all be aware that they will not be like “the past” again, a new “normalized” life, will certainly be framed by this new “way of living in society”, and as a result some disadvantage of “being older”, is that it is more difficult for us to believe in these changes, we cannot avoid our despair for a vaccine, a cure, a hope to get out of this winter that has lasted us since last spring. As Simone Weil said: "I think it is useless to fight directly against natural weaknesses ... in the normal course of life, we need to know these weaknesses, take them prudently and strive to make them for a good purpose; all are capable of being put to good use. "

We live in our own time, there is that philosophical idea that can help us understand why time is "moving" slowly during this pandemic. The argument is that time has two faces. The first face of time is “objective time”: the time for clocks, calendars and transport schedules, etc. The second is the duration, the "lived time", the time of our subjective inner experience. This is the time felt, lived and performed. The reality is that the so-called "our knowledge", whether we like it or not depends on the "knowledge of others", although sometimes our imagination seems more important than science, because we "feel" that science is limited, whereas that our imagination spans “the whole world.” “There are truly two different things: knowing and believing that you know. Science consists of knowing; in believing that we know lies ignorance. ” (Hippocrates)

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