sexta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2019

"Dogs really speak, but only to those who can hear them." (Pamuk, Orhan)

Dogs really speak, but only to those who can hear them." (Pamuk, Orhan)
Being happy is not being afraid of your own feelings. It is knowing how to talk about yourself. It is having the courage to hear not". It is to have security to receive a criticism, even if unjust. (Augusto Cury)
I do not know if they have noticed that a dog teaches us all this - give without asking for anything in return - And this is what a dog teaches us, which perhaps alone was already a good reason to have a dog / dog, this because the dog by itself already means among many other things loyalty, kindness and good moments.
In fact I do not know if it is the spontaneous way in which he receives me every day or if it is by the form of truth he has in his gaze. Nor do I know if it is by the affectionate way of saying (without speaking) that for him there is no better person anywhere else in the world or if it is by the fidelity with which he is able to wait, without caring, although he may not be " without some pain, "by the time I make him wait. I'll just say I do not know! The only certainty I have is that when I walk with him, it is not me who ride with him, but he who walks with me on one side and on the other I know that he does not care if we have money, if we are thin, beautiful, low or high. Do not care about the brand of car we have or if we even have car and so we walked. He does not care if people do not understand us. For him nothing matters but our company because we are everything to him. He gives us all he has, and what he has is all that matters to us: LOVE! He is not ashamed to demonstrate how much he loves us ... He gives us the best years of his life ... He would give his life for us!
As Milan Kundera wrote "Dogs are our link with paradise. They do not know evil, envy or discontent. To sit with a dog at the foot of a hill on a beautiful afternoon is to go back to Eden, where to stand idly by was not boredom, it was peace. "We must be aware that" The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and run the risk of living their dreams. " (Paulo Coelho).
As you certainly already realize that I still "do not see the light at the end of the tunnel" indicating the arrival of my "feeling of psycho-emotional balance". It is also true, however, that I still have the founding hope of resistance and the humility to acknowledge that "all our mistakes are, but mainly my mistakes." Nothing will be like before, and this saddens me, without prejudice to continue to live and to look for the good moments that, despite everything, still can exist! It is certain that whoever reads us will say that these my lines today reflect a state of pessimism and some depression. Maybe they have a reason, because some time ago, but particularly - in the horrible years of 2017 and generally in part of 2018 - the two lives of my life have been wrapped up in a clear conflict that very disappoints me. That is why I no longer trust the illusion, much less the "blend".
This is what Mark Twain says in this reflection: "The strength to start over gives us the conviction that trying again is worth it. Life requires that we be able to grow. The experience and knowledge about the art of living are only acquired by living. And the new ways are a call to deeply feel the pulse of life, to renew ourselves and discover new realities. "

"Man knows only the other animals; knows less. They know what they need to know. We do not. "(Fernando Pessoa)
(this text is a way of remembering our first dog, Einstein almost 18 years who was part of the family)

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