quarta-feira, janeiro 10, 2024

DON’T POSTPON LIVING LIFE!” "The whole future is in uncertainty: live immediately." (Seneca)

DON’T POSTPON LIVING LIFE!” "The whole future is in uncertainty: live immediately." (Seneca) "He who knows everything, knows nothing", said a Chinese proverb which, most likely, is based on the thoughts of Confucius. True knowledge lies in accepting that we do not know all the truths in the world. Having the humility to recognize ignorance is a great gesture of wisdom. Always present terms that “whoever climbs a ladder must always start on the first step.” (Walter Scott) “We cannot be rigid with life, but rather have the ability to adapt to the most different situations. Things don't always go as planned, but that doesn't mean we should give up either. We have to reorganize ourselves and continue the journey!” As Confucius said: “We cannot actually change the wind, but we can adjust the sails of the boat to get where we want.” “Don’t put off living life. To postpone is to die a little, to become sick with anxiety, or fear, or desire. Postponing is pushing forward what you feel now, what you want now, what you need to resolve now. If you want it to happen: do it. Or try to do it. Or do everything you can to make it happen. Only then will you free yourself from what could be, from the incomparable pain of spending the rest of your life, the rest of yourself, thinking about what it would be like if you didn't postpone what you wanted to be urgent, what really was urgent.” As Friedrich Nietzsche said: “He who has something to live for is capable of enduring anything.” And I want to remember that retreating, not looking, running away from problems is the same as postponing what sooner or later has to be resolved, it is the same as wasting time in life. It's not remembering that life is worth it, because the opposite doesn't mean living, it just means that we survived the time it lasted! “I know that I am nothing and that I may never have everything. Apart from that, I have all the dreams in the world within me.”( Fernando Pessoa) “Don't put off living life. If you want to hug, look for the hug you want to hug, fight for it. If you want to kiss, look for the kiss you want to kiss, fight for it. If you want to change your path, change. But change with courage, change with faith, change with intensity. Change. The first step to changing what you want to change is doing everything you can to change what you want to change. All changes are internal.” Always remember that as Confucius said: “The best way to be happy is to contribute to the happiness of others.”

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