sábado, novembro 04, 2023

“When we suffer before it is necessary, we suffer more than necessary.” (Séneca)

“When we suffer before it is necessary, we suffer more than necessary.” (Séneca) Someone said that sometimes courage is the quiet voice that at the end of a day, gently tells us, “I'll try again tomorrow”. In truth and reality, whether things go well or go wrong, the time of forgetting is always the same. As Augusto Cury said in his book “Training Emotions to Be Happy”: “How many young people and adults lose the shine in life by making their mind a source of anxiety? They were not trained to talk about themselves. They let their emotions and thoughts become trapped. It is not healthy to live closed within yourself. Those who isolate themselves in their own world and do not learn to share their emotions deteriorate their self-esteem. They make their small problems insurmountable obstacles. “ If there's a place that inspires us, it's the top of a mountain. They teach us that inspiration is not just others, but that through an internal look, we find within ourselves an immense source of inspiration. The popular voice says that “keeping the feeling of anger is like holding a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone”; We are the ones who get burned! Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. A Chinese proverb says: “If we are patient in a moment of anger, we will avoid a hundred days of suffering.” Let's be clear, anxiety and anger prevent us from seeing the truth clearly. “The best attitude for an intelligent person who is under the heat of anxiety is not to force themselves to react, it is to preserve themselves. It is important to manage emotion and wait for the tension to pass and then take action. Don't take life with iron and fire. Respect your limits.”(Augusto Cury) When fear consumes us, we feed it with an even greater fear, the fear of feeling fear. This fear that we feel of feeling afraid is greater than the courage we have to face our fears, this makes us think that fear is cured with fear and not with courage as we thought before. “Avoid corrosive feelings such as resentment, anger and hurt, which take away our nights of sleep and in no way affect the people responsible for causing them.” (Friedrich Nietzsche) In reality we have to realize that most of our problems do not exist. And when we have a problem that we consider to be serious, we have to find a solution. In fact, we have to understand that what consumes us is fear! “Always the same feeling, desire, anxiety. However, calmer than usual, as if a great evolution was being processed, the distant tremor of which I am feeling. I've already said too much. “(Franz Kafka)

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