sexta-feira, julho 15, 2022

“Would we be the same if we knew what awaits us beyond space and time?” (Richard Bach 1936)

“Would we be the same if we knew what awaits us beyond space and time?” (Richard Bach 1936) In these uncertain times when it seems that “nobody calls us anymore to know if we are even here”, the anguish in the form of insomnia sets in waiting for us to be blessed by the luck of the cell phone ringing. We live in starvation of any signal, as if the cell phone validated our existence: like the tunnel that leads us to the light still halfway.” Never forget that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Just don't wait for this light to come to you, go to it. Who knows if you'll find the one you're looking for there, and maybe this someone is also trying to find you.” (Tumblr) In fact, life is too serious to waste time with “things that seem to be unimportant in the eyes of others”, in the almost unfathomable mysteries of being human, but which were not even said eye to eye, in fact it is easier to say all this with “the pain well organized”, before getting to the written words that can, because it is easier to invent the readings that are not there, but that, eventually, can give us the strength to move on. As Augusto Cury said: “Whoever has external light walks without stumbling, whoever has internal light walks without fear of living.” We all have moments when we think that we are just what we are, that we just exist and whatever happens has happened, as Paulo Coelho said that “when we want something, the whole universe conspires to make it happen.” We don't know if it will be like that? Whether we like it or not, there are, as it were, material limits to our resistance; however, the expansion of each “possible heartbreak” reaches them and, at times, surpasses them, hence the impression that each pain, each heartbreak, is infinite. They are, indeed, but only for us, for the limits of our hearts; and even if it had the dimensions of vast space, our sufferings would be even more vast, because every pain replaces the world and from each grief makes another universe. “Only chance can be interpreted as a message. Let things go by themselves in the right direction, because no matter how hard you try, when people have to get hurt or hurt you they will get hurt or they will really hurt you. Is life." (HARUKI MURAKAMI)

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