sexta-feira, agosto 20, 2021

“If you're still looking for the person who will change your life, look in the mirror.” (Spike Tarot)

“If you're still looking for the person who will change your life, look in the mirror.” (Spike Tarot) And that's it! It is WE who have the power to transform is difficult...very difficult...but if it were easy, it was not seen as a challenge. And, as it is a challenge, it is worth fighting for. But fight to improve. However, first of all, it is necessary to be aware of and assume what is less positive in order for us to change to something concrete. And sometimes, it's about such simple things, we talk about small attitudes, small gestures, especially letting our soul reflect in our eyes and not being afraid of appearing weak or weak, it's very good to be aware of our points strengths, but also knowing and accepting our weaknesses. Let's think about it. "Every new friend we make in the course of life perfects and enriches us, not so much by what he gives us, but by what he reveals to us about ourselves." (Miguel de Unamuno) There are moments in our life, although we do not admit it, but we all feel it, because it is anguish and trauma that makes the human being. We are almost always certain of one thing: “as for life to hope”, even if we don't know who actually makes or made that promise to us!! In these times, as in no other, we are constantly "pressured" by "informative" channels, television, newspapers and even our friends and what they "say to be our friends" in "so-called social networks", leading to the "reality of perception public" is now very much based on commentators and their opinions and interpretations that do not correspond to any reality (often superficial and exhibitionist) and not on the professional work of journalism (research and analysis of facts or systematic collection of information in certain areas), an essential activity in democracy, leads to a certain point in which we are considered “some marias go with the other”, as the popular saying goes, we become an influenceable person, without a will of our own, who lets ourselves be carried away by the opinions of others. "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why few people do it." (Henry Ford) That's all. Why waste our strength insisting on situations that don't add to us? It's no use "pushing", we have to PULL: push for life, for our dreams, for our well-being, for everything that the world has to offer us. I even relate this sentence by Paulo Coelho with another one that crossed my face a few days ago (forgive me if it's in English): "The best thing about growing older, is getting clear on what does and doesn't matter." In good Portuguese, it means that the advantage of getting older is our increased ability to sort out what interests us and what doesn't. Age as it progresses is nothing more or less than an intelligent "sieve" that will "separate the wheat from the chaff". So it's up to PULL. “They say that life is for those who know how to live, but nobody is born ready. Life is for those who are brave enough to take risks and humble enough to learn.” (Clarice Lispector)

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