sábado, fevereiro 20, 2021

"The meaning of life is that it ends." (Franz Kafka).

 "The meaning of life is that it ends." (Franz Kafka).

In a way, it happens to most people, when using our memory we are led to remember happy situations in these sad days, and we also remember that those days are built of good times and it is impossible for someone to spend their whole life without a single visit of sadness. We may never discover the real meaning of life, but it is very likely that we can find some ways to live better along our path. “From a certain point onwards there is no return. This is the point that must be reached. The meaning of life is that it ends. ” Franz Kafka wrote. This is what sometimes leads us to forget that there is only one cycle: being born, living and dying.

This all comes about because it suddenly seems that the country has woken up to a sudden urgency: discussion about the war overseas. What for many will be nothing more than ideas from the past as ghosts of the present. In fact, this theme was raised after the “death of Lieutenant Colonel Marcelino da Mata, who was only the most decorated military officer in our Armed Forces”! What led to the appearance not only in the press but especially in social networks of a whopping of opinions that as people use to say "that social networks usually shoot stray dogs". The reality is that in our opinion those who say they want to discuss “the colonial war” - me and many have never been in a colonial war, but “were in an overseas war” - just want the novelty of a new stage in order to show their ignorance itself. They forget that only History can discuss “war” and not half a dozen enlightened people who don't even know what they “write and talk about”! And for fifty years history is not too much! “Life is meaningless. We are the ones who make sense of it. The meaning of life is what we attribute to it. Being alive is the meaning. ” (Joseph Campbell)

Perhaps that is why I am almost always in great doubt: do people write lies in the public space with statements that are somewhat empty of content, in some way cunning, with the aim of deceiving, because they are mistaken or because they want to "bring humor" to the debate? If this is so, “this is all talk for an ox to sleep!” But, in any case, they do not fail to offend the honor and dignity of many hundreds of thousands of young people, and even today there are many alive, who gave everything even their lives! Everything else is instruments, pieces within a circumstance that do not dominate, do not even have the slightest idea, because they have never been there! Let it be made very clear here that it is not a matter of discussing the “colonial war”, or “the overseas war”, or whatever you want to call it. What bothers most is the resourcefulness with which the living and the dead are judged and condemned, and even the memory that the living have of the dead. “Owning does not exist, there is only being: that being that aspires to the last breath, until suffocation. Solidarity is the feeling that best expresses respect for human dignity. ”(Franz Kafka)

As we should all have the perception that our collective memory is made up of ordinary people, with their greatness and misery. Discussing it is fascinating. Judging her this way is miserable. As René Descartes said: “Common sense is the best distributed thing in the world: we all think we have it in such a way that even the most difficult to be content with other things do not usually want more common sense than what they have.” OR MAYBE WRONG!

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