quarta-feira, dezembro 05, 2018

Nothing is as ours as our dreams." (Friedrich Nietzsche)

"Nothing is as ours as our dreams."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

 Our life is full of memories, some are more pleasant and others not so much, but they are our memories. But it is the set of all our memories, which make the people we are today. In fact, we must also admit that some of our memories are simply more worthy of keeping than others. Some of our memories are good and fundamental things to remember, and others are better stored as lessons of life and our experiences. But all are our memories!
As Luiz de Camões wrote, "Times are changing, wills are changed, Being is changed, confidence is changed; The whole world is composed of change, Always taking on new qualities. "
I do not think it is new to say that the "theme of loss" has arisen in many different aspects of life and to which we have all been subject very recently, and it is not much studied or even spoken of. However, I think it is such a challenging and necessary experience for us to understand, because it means, first of all, abandoning a reality that we have today, and then to open space for a new reality that we have to know how to face, which can be incredibly disturbing and even frightening. We often think of loss in terms of death, but there is also loss related to all the changes we have undergone, both negative and positive.
 "We do not just lose the people we love; we lost ideas we had about how our future would be. We lose aspects of our identity. We lost familiarity and comfort and the known. We lost bits of who we were once to become who we are. We lose structure and routines and patterns. We lose parts of ourselves. "  (1)
That is why we should not be thinking about what the future will be, when we should, and the most accurate is to live intensely the present so that we do not have to "face the ghosts of the past." It will be well to remember that what makes a person "special" is his ability to live intensely for a cause, whatever it may be. We have to recognize that, perhaps this is rare these days, because we live half-way through and those who strive to fulfill their dreams do not conform to this uniformity, assuming the price of being different and generally "swimming against the current ". Now all this requires a lot of courage. The courage to be, not simply to do it. Being is more difficult than doing, after all, it is in the being that doing it finds its sustenance. I am from what I am. Not the other way around. As Roosevelt said, "Nothing is impossible. If it can be dreamed then it can be done. "
Maybe that's it! "I may be in search of somehow unlikely, but never the impossible. So I know that there is somewhere on our planet, someone who "is waiting for me," and if that person is like me he will stop waiting and start looking until one day we will meet and close a cycle to begin a new and much better for us and those who have the privilege of being by our side "(Cicero).
Do not give me the right formulas, because I do not always hope to get right. Do not show me what you expect of me, for I will follow my heart. Do not make me be who I am not. Do not invite me to be the same, because I am truly different. I do not know how to love in half. I do not know how to live with lies. I do not know how to fly with my feet on the ground. I am always myself, but with the certainty that the will to stay can not be stronger than the courage to move on, nothing is difficult when we believe in what we want, and our dreams come true. But, "believe that sometimes in life, it is harder to go forward than to look back" (unknown author), and on the other hand for distraction or anything else do not miss your opportunity, because you must know that worst disappointment with someone is the one that represents the end point of a story that promised to be everything and turned out to be nothing!
(1) (https://www.instagram.com/p/BpSVw0Qg42P/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=l3sryvv66moo)

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